
Showing posts from 2015

Naujawan Bharat Sabha- Pillar of Secularism

An Extract from Manifesto of Naujawan Bharat Sabha (NBS) - " We Indians, what we are we doing? A branch of peepal tree is cut & religious feelings of the Hindus are injured. A corner of paper idol, tazia, of the idol-breaker Mohammedans is broken, & Allah gets enraged, who cannot be satisfied with anything less than the blood of the infidel Hindus. Man ought to be attached more importance than the animals and, yet here in India, they break each other's heads in the name of 'sacred   animals'. It was written & published by Bhagwati Charan Vohra in 1926, man in 1st pic & NBS was formed by diehard efforts of Bhagat Singh along with Sukhdev & Comrade Ram Chander in 2nd pic. NBS was an open organization of Hindustan Socialist Republican Association(HSRA).These lines are so much relevant in today's conditions of our nation. Inquilab Zindabad! Saamrajyavaad ka naash ho! Long Live Revolution! Down with Imperialism!

Truth of RSS- India's Pseudo- Nationalists

आर.एस.एस., यानी कि राष्ट्रीय स्वयंसेवक संघ खुद को एक सांस्कृतिक संगठन व “सच्चे देशभक्तों” का संगठन बताता है। उसका दावा है कि उसकी विचारधारा हिन्दुत्व और “राष्ट्रवाद” है। उनके राष्ट्र की परिभाषा क्या है यह आर.एस.एस. की शाखाओं में प्रचलित “प्रार्थना” और “प्रतिज्ञा” से साफ़ हो जाता है। अपनी “प्रार्थना” और “प्रतिज्ञा” में संघी हिन्दू धर्म, हिन्दू संस्कृति और हिन्दू समाज की रक्षा की बात करते हैं। स्पष्ट है कि धर्मनिरपेक्षता और जनवाद में इनका कोई यक़ीन नहीं है। हिन्दू समाज की भी संघियों की अपनी अपनी परिभाषा है। हिन्दुओं से इनका मतलब मुख्य और मूल रूप से उच्च जाति के हिन्दू पुरुष हैं। संघी ‘मनुस्मृति’ को भारत के संविधान के रूप में लागू करना चाहते थे। वही ‘मनुस्मृति’ जिसके अनुसार एक इंसान की जाति ही तय करती है कि समाज में उसका स्थान क्या होगा और जो इस बात की हिमायती है कि पशु, शूद्र और नारी सभी ताड़न के अधिकारी हैं। आर.एस.एस. का ढाँचा लम्बे समय तक सिर्फ़ पुरुषों के लिए ही खुला था। संघ के “हिन्दू राष्ट्र” की सदस्यता उच्च वर्ण के हिन्दू पुरुषों के लिए ही खुली है; बाकियों को दोयम दर्जे की स्थिति के ल

Religion- A Tool of Politics

Swami Vivekananda's Chicago Speech, Parliament of Religion , 11th September , 1893 An excerpt of speech- If the Parliament of Religions has shown anything to the world it is this: It has proved to the world that holiness, purity and charity are not the exclusive possessions of any church in the world, and that every system has produced men and women of the most exalted character. In the face of this evidence, if anybody dreams of the exclusive survival of his own religion and the destruction of the others, I pity him from the bottom of my heart, and point out to him that upon the banner of every religion will soon be written, in spite of resistance: "Help and not Fight," "Assimilation and not Destruction," "Harmony and Peace and not Dissension ." Today India is passing through worst anachronism of its form. The present government of India is trying to suppress & break the bond of commonality among people of different religion & ca

We Shall Overcome!

A Hope for Indian Left's Revival T he Left is now virtually absent from the Indian political space. It is barely a contender in any of the coming elections. It is in power only in one state, Tripura. It has virtually no voice in Parliament or influence on policy. Its perspective is unheard of in the media. Its general ideology is either largely unknown or outrightly reviled. Leftist academics have descended into arcane and esoteric debates about poststructuralism and the like which reminds one of the medieval ‘dark age debates’ in Europe about how many angels could dance on the head of a pin. The litany list can continue but suffice to say that the Indian left is in the midst of a historically unprecedented decimation. The impact of this on Indian polity is profound and the revival of the Left is very necessary. This article therefore lays out some suggestions as to how this could be done. These encompass larger questions of strategy as well as practical suggestions on tact

The 108th birth anniversary

Shaheed -E -Azam Bhagat Singh- The man with Reason . 28th September, 2015 marks the 108th birth anniversary of Shaheed Bhagat Singh. He lived for 23 years. In 7 years of political life, he worked tirelessly across length & breadth of this country to make India free from clutches of British colonial rule. He was a well declared atheist but he envisioned India on Secular & Socialistic lines. He believed in critiques & practised reasoning. He often used to say- " A revolutionary believes in reason more than anything . It is to reason & reason alone , that he bows ". Growing religious intolerance in our country needs to be countered by his idea of Independent India. Inquilab Zindabad!


Bhagat Singh- A Well-versed Journalist इंसान को संस्कार सिर्फ माता-पिता या परिवार से ही नहीं मिलते। समाज भी अपने ढंग से संस्कारों के बीज बोता है। पिछली सदी के शुरुआती साल कुछ ऐसे ही थे। उस दौर में संस्कारों और विचारों की जो फसल उगी, उसका असर आज भी दिखाई देता है। उन दिनों गोरी हुक़ूमत ने ज़ुल्मों की सारी सीमाएं तोड़ दीं थीं। देशभक्तों को कीड़े-मकौड़ों की तरह मारा जा रहा था। किसी को भी फांसी चढ़ा देना सरकार का शग़ल बन गया था। ऐसे में जब आठ साल के बालक भगत सिंह ने किशोर क्रांतिकारी करतार सिंह सराभा को वतन के लिए हंसते हंसते फांसी के तख़्ते चढ़ते देखा तो हमेशा के लिए करतार देवता की तरह उसके बालमन के मंदिर में प्रतिष्ठित हो गए। चौबीस घंटे करतार की तस्वीर भगत सिंह के साथ रहती। सराभा की फांसी के रोज़ क्रांतिकारियों ने जो गीत गाया था, वो भगत सिंह अक्सर गुनगुनाया करता। इस गीत की कुछ पंक्तियां थीं – फ़ख्र है भारत को ऐ करतार तू जाता है आज जगत औ पिंगले को भी साथ ले जाता है आज हम तुम्हारे मिशन को पूरा करेंगे संगियो क़सम हर हिंदी तुम्हारे ख़ून की खाता है आज कुछ बरस ही बीते थे कि जलियां वाला बाग़ का बर्

Indian Workers On Strike

Britishers left India but part of their draconian law still remains prevalent in our country. Still after Independence we the people & our rights remains on stake, remains exploited. Such an example are exploited citizens are workers of this country. Present Government of India is carrying legacy of suppressing the weaker section, the working class people. Crushing of labour rights has happened. Important Conventions of international Labour Organization (ILO) were distorted. For Example- Convention 87 - Freedom of Association & Protection of Right to Organized Convention. Convention 98 - Right to Organize & Collective Bargaining Convention . Witnessing all these violations of labour laws with implementation of anti-people policies, Central Trade Unions (CTU's) decided to agitate & protest against Government's policies. 2nd September 2015, marks historic All India Strike by Proletariat class. Inquilab Zindabad Long Live Proletariat !

The Fear of British Rulers

Bhagat Singh's name in real sense became symbol of Indian revolutionary movement like Lenin of Russian revolution . Britishers acknowledged his political inclination & perspective which became a stiff reason to hang him without a fair trail & justice. According to Jatindra Nath Sanyal , a co-accused in Lahore Conspiracy Case & who knew him very well wrote: Bhagat   Singh was an extremely well read man & his special sphere of study was Socialism. The batch of young men that figured in Lahore Conspiracy Case was essentially an intellectual one. But even in this group Bhagat Singh predominanted for his intellectual ascendancy. Though Socialism was his special subject, he had deeply studied the history of Russian revolutionary movement from its beginning in the early 19th century to the October Revolution of 1917. It is generally believed that very few in India could be compared to him in the knowledge of this special subject . The economic exp

Assessment by Prof. Chaman Lal

It would be unfair to take one name when it comes on detailing Bhagat Singh & his revolutionary life, he is none other than Dr . Chaman Lal . An authority in this country who rightly pointed out Bhagat Singh's political interest, activities of his revolutionary career. Many hidden facts related to Bhagat Singh & his comrades are being highlighted by Dr. Chaman Lal. His books like Understanding Bhagat Singh Bhagat Singh's Jail Notebook Bhagat Singh aur unke saathiyoon k dastawez , are real eye opener for all of us. One such example is this piece of interview of Dr. Chaman Lal, its a landmark assessment of Bhagat Singh in recent time. Long Live Revolution!

A Disgrace to Nation- Untouchability

The problem of Untouchability ( 1928 )- " Bhagat Singh made a scathing attack on the philosophy ( karmvipak ) of Hinduism, which provides a rationale to a most heinous system of untouchability and caste hierarchy and links the fight against untouchability to revolutionary politics, which shows a concrete understanding of the linkages of religion with caste system in India. He criticised the orthodox social elements as well as the leaders like M. M. Malviya getting publicly garlanded by a scavenger and then purifying himself by taking bath with the clothes. He invokes the principle of equality and demands to abolish the ideas and of discrimination based on birth or social division of labour. He criticises the hierarchical system that treats inhumanly the very sections that render the most essential, most basic services to the society. Finally, he suggests that unless the untouchables – the backbone of this country – organise themselves, the problem of untouchability will find

India's Unity under threat

Communal Riots and the Solution - Bhagat Singh said, “ To stop people fighting with one another, it is essential to develop class consciousness ” and he advocates people’s unity transcending the divisions of religion, colour, community, nationality etc., to unite to break the shackles of colonialism and attain economic independence. He cites the example of Soviet Russia and also an incidence from Calcutta where in a riot-charged atmosphere the industrial workers of both Hindu and Muslim communities joined hands to resist the riot as examples of class-consciousness overcoming the social divides. He also expresses hope in the young generation, which was then showing a growing despise towards communal riots. Undivided India witnessed rise of Islamic & Hindu fundamentalists which resulted in riots. A look on riots in pre- Independent India: 11 riots-1923 18 riots- 1924 16 riots- 1925 35 riots - 1926 . Taking up communal violence issue of present India, any government formed

Uncertain Glory of India

Bhagat Singh did not dreamed of India which would be wrecked by hunger, malnutrition, communalism overall unequal status of Indian citizens. This statistics of hunger people would surely had saddened Bhagat Singh but we as nation need to stand against these stigmatized conditions of our countrymen.

Bhagat Singh & Inquilab Zindabad

Bhagat Singh is one of the revolutionaries from galaxy of India's freedom struggle who gave a new rejuvenating slogan of Long Live Revolution, Inquilab Zindabad because till then India's slogan for freedom was Vande Matram. Not only giving a slogan but also defined it with its core meaning. Long Live Revolution - It represented the outlook; the revolutionary movement will not stop at the achievement of freedom; it will continue till the system which permits the exploitation of man by man or a nation by another nation is abolished and a basic change in socio-economic structure of society is brought about. Long Live Proletariat – It means this belongs to the toiling mass of working class & proletariat the driving force of the revolution- a slogan that is being sought to be dropped today by the betrayers of Socialism. What is unfortunate is that some of our old revolutionaries who profess by Socialism have also fallen prey to this trend and emphasize the 1st & 3rd sl

A Step towards Egalitarian India

MNREGA in reality is the only scheme in history of India which has empowered women but present Government of India had undermined its efficiency. Women of rural India have now a better position than earlier in terms of monetary in dependency . Independent decision making by women has taken place real terms . MNREGA has strengthened the women community . Just keeping MNREGA on discriminatory political base will not be a fair deal. Mr. Narendra Modi openly had tagged it as a failed scheme of UPA-1 government but analysis of MNREGA should overcome opportunistic political criticism.

Perceptional Stance of Shahid Bhagat Singh

The perception with which Bhagat Singh ended his life is something very reasonable, valid & relevant. A transition from Anti-colonial to Socialism is traceable. “ The ideas of Bhagat Singh, even if not wholly but substantially have been incorporated as pre -ambular vision of our Constitution. But the dream for which he sacrificed his life has not been fulfilled and the relevance of what he said can hardly be ignored. The ground realities, if at all, changed only marginally ”, says Supreme Court of India. The move by present Government of India to omit out words Socialist/Secular from our Constitution raises suspicion to overrule the idea of Independent India what Shahid Bhagat Singh thought of. Russian revolution inspired Bhagat Singh to the core, so he had great regards for Lenin. The turning point came in 1928, September 8-9 , Delhi, Ferozshah Kotla, Hindustan Republican Association (HRA) got transformed into Hindustan Socialist Republican Association (HSRA). Word S

Authentic Photos

Since many years in this country there has been series of efforts to misappropriate, misinterpret, dismantle the real picture of Bhagat Singh as a contributor to India's freedom. As Revolutionary he is the most unique person to be explored for personal interest. But interestingly in all his lifetime he had only four original photographs at different age. They are as follows- 1. 1st picture at age 12 after Jallianwalah Bagh massacre . 2 . 2nd picture after age 21 + 3. 3rd picture at age of 17 4. 4th picture at age of 20 after his first arrest . On internet one can find Bhagat Singh wearing yellow turbon but in reality he only wore white turbon. Coloring his turbon is forceful imposition of  right fringe commumal elements. Long Live Revolution Inquilab Zindabad!

Important Letters

In 1922, when M.K.Gandhi took back non cooperation movement it resulted in rise of many dissent youth voice like B.C.Vohra, Sukhdev, Chandrasekhar Azad & Bhagat Singh. From here Mr. Gandhi's non- violence got competed against revolutionary activities of HRA & later HSRA. Till hanging of Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev & Rajguru, M.K.Gandhi did not confront Bhagat Singh in any manner. Neither face-off nor any polemic criticism but Sukhdev took an opportunity to critisize Gandhi & wrote a letter to him. In return to this Mr. Gandhi wrote a letter to Sukhdev which he published in his paper Harijan. Here are two images of letters. First is of Gandhi's reply to Sukhdev & Second is Bhagat Singh's letter to his father.

An Important Recalling

A book edited by Professor Chaman Lal, an authority on Bhagat Singh's life & his activities as a revolutionary. Jail notebook of Bhagat Singh is an asset related to Bhagat Singh emphasizing his idea related to Independence of India. This book is one of the most interesting book covering his all over persona. Second image is a special message which HSRA leaders had send to Soviet Union on Lenin's death anniversary, 21st January.

Asset of India lies in it's rural area.

Glimpse of Intellectuality

Bhagat Singh is only remembered as a fighter revolutionary carrying a gun with him all the time but this is a wrong notion being set as thinking among us. A highlight on his intellectual efforts. As per Shiv Verma, close associate of Bhagat Singh from U.P, his thirst for reading books was something unique. As estimated.. He read 50 books during his Schooltime ; 200 books before his 1st arrest in 1921 Approximately 300 books during imprisonment of 716 days from 8th April , 1929- 23rd March 1931 . Merely at age of 23 years ,5months, 25days , a persons reading voraciously is unimaginable. But this was done in reality. According to his nephew, Prof . Jagmohan Singh , Bhagat Singh established a library of 175 books by around 70 authors at Agra where Assembly bomb attack was planned. Even on 23rd March, on the day he was hanged, he was reading V.I.Lenin's "State and Revolution". The Intellectual side of Indian Revolution has always remained weak but to

Love towards Reading books.

Stand against Religious Fundamentalism, a big challenge to Secular values.

Admiration for Bhagat Singh

During 1930's it was said that "If MK Gandhi was Sun of India's political sky, Bhagat Singh was a star which rose out from depth of darkness." After death his article named Why I am an athiest? became relevant enough to be considered very important. At the same time renowned rationalist leader E.V.Ramasamy Periyar from Tamil Nadu published this article  in Tamil & presented his views on comparing Gandhi & Bhagat Singh. Clarity in idea of Bhagat Singh' perception & action was important then & is equally relevant in today's contemporary India. Such an admiration for Bhagat Singh proves his intensity.

A Humble Hearty Request

Mother of Bhagat Singh, Smt. Vidyawati Ji's appeal to youth section of our society proves one thing very clear, that India either colonial or independent, needs involvement of its youth force in decision making and being integral part of Socio-Political sphere. If politics decides our life pattern with roller coaster rides, we must choose our politics. Bhagat Singh stood to build up Society on Socialistic base with universal brotherhood, equality for all rejecting exploitation of man by man and country by country. Since many years this truth is on track to be misappropriated by extream right Hindu fringe elements like Bhagat Singh Kranti Sena. The question   is not to own Bhagat Singh on one's own side but to face truth for what purpose Bhagat Singh gave up his life . Was it for a Hindu Nation or an Islamic state   or  for  an Egalitarian India ?

Set of books from Expertized intellectual of this country.

Each & Every book highlights every aspect of revolutionary life of Bhagat Singh. By reading these books idea of Bhagat Singh for Independent India will be known.